Poached Cod

My children love fish. A few weeks ago, my eight year old told me that he was craving salmon. Craving! Over the past few years, I have learned the importance of sourcing quality fish; as in, know your fisherman, and in preparing it correctly. Now that we have a reliable source from our friend, Matt Oxford of Wild Run Salmon, our freezer is typically stocked full of cod, salmon, and roe (salmon eggs). The downside to having access to good fish is that the freezers don't stay stocked for long. It's not unusual for my children to eat a half pound each of fish in one sitting, sometimes more. Unfortunately, when my son asked for salmon, we were out with no more expected until after the next salmon run in September. Fortunately we ran into Matt at a Farmers Market and he happened to have some cod left. That evening, my children put away no less that 5 filets of cod, poached to perfection using just 5 ingredients.

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Poached Cod with Cumin


*4 filets of cod (approx 2#)

*2 cups chicken broth or water

*1/2 cup butter

* 1 TB garlic powder

*1/2 TB cumin

* 1 tsp sea salt


1. In large pan, heat up stock and melt butter.

2. Add spices and salt and stir to combine.

3. Add cod filets and cook on each side for 8 minutes or until fish flakes easily.

4. Remove from heat, saving cooking liquid to pour over top.